Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Buzz to the Rescue......

After realising that the Ben10 PJ's were a winner, when I saw these on eBay I just had to buy them....

They arrived today - and were hijacked straight away... carried everywhere, dragged through the yard.. yada yada - you get the idea....

"To Infinity & Beyond!"
(or in Blake speak - To Inwinny and Awond....)

It's easy to make a Puggle happy.....

Jade's Room gets a make-over.....

I was out shopping with Mom on Saturday and found a bookshelf that I thought would be perfect for Jade's room.... get her books out of her wardrobe and a little more organised... (for how long is anyone's guess....)

Anyway, so I told her that if she wanted the bookshelf in her room - she'd have to tidy her room... which for a 5yr old  is a successful mission when all the toys are picked up and chucked into various boxes....

On Sunday afternoon, I brought the bookshelf upstairs and put it together...  

Monday afternoon (after the school run - and once Blake was awake) - I started pulling everything out of Jade's room.... I had to move the room around to put the bookshelf in as the way it was set up just wasn't going to work....  and pulling everything out of the room means that I can give it a great all-over vacuum....

Anyway, I'm sure no one is interested in the housework side of things.....

I put all of the stuff back in Jade's room - and we have.........

Once I got Blake settled watching his before-bed show - and Rob and Jade were busy playing checkers, I went about trying to sort Jade's books and put them onto her bookshelf....  (she placed her photo frame on top of the bookshelf with the picture of Alanah and Jade from last year)

She's got more than enough Mr Men and Little Miss Books to keep her busy....

I'm still looking for her huge collection of Dr Suess Books....  I put them somewhere so that they didn't all get pulled out and destroyed... and now I can't remember where I put them....  they'll turn up....

The books that are too big to stand up - and some that could be shoved against the other end....

and the empty shelf... but I'm sure that wont take long to fill.....

Jade's very happy with her new room layout....

Happy Birthday Frank.....

We headed around to Mom and Dad's for dinner on Sunday night ... Spag Bog & Birthday Cake......

I think Jade was trying to paint Harry

Frank wearing the new shirt that we got him for his Birthday...
(or more importantly, that Jade & Blake gave him)

The Cake....  Chocolate Cream...

Gotta love how Jade thinks that holding a big sharp knife was clever.... we rectified that quick smart....

Frank has just cut the cake - and as you can see - Blake's holding his Ben10 plate out ready for his piece...

"Gimme, Gimme, Gimme!"

"Ooooh.... caaaaaaaaaaaaaake"
(he's definitely my little sweet tooth)

Om, Nom, Nom...

One happy little cake boy

I'm sure if he tried a little harder - he could have got cake over more of his face :)

(As per usual, Jade wasn't even interested in trying a piece of cake... I'm wondering if she'll ever become a cake person.... Not that I really mind if she doesn't...)

Upper Scrubby Creek Trial - 19/06/11

Central Queensland Trials Club's 3rd event was held out at a new property which we're labelling "Upper Scrubby Creek" on Sunday (19th June).  

Unfortunately due to the Maryborough members having to stay home to set up for the Brooweena comp in a fortnight - we had fewer numbers than usual, but, it's still early days....   the trial was set in a nice cool creek very close to where we were parked... so the walk down was mostly good....

Unfortunately, fumble features (ie. me), did manage to fall down the hill into the creek and I've managed to twist my knee... but I'm hoping that I'll be right for Derby training tonight....  (we'll see!)

Everyone getting their bikes out of scrutineering

Pete Smith riding Rob's bike....
(as we got to Section 1 - Blake saw the bike and was going "That's Daddys' bike!! that's Daddy's bike!!!!" - Pete then asked Blake's permission to ride it ... and the standard "Okay!" response was given:)

Peter Casey

Nicole Casey

Nicole Casey

Nicole Casey

Nicole Casey

Mick Casey

Mick - pulling a very interesting face as he gets stopped in the water.....

The creek was flowing nicely....

Sarah Chivers

Sarah checking out the section with her dad before riding...

Mac Hosking


Sarah Chivers

Sarah handling the bike nicely while being thrown around a couple of times by some nasty rocks!

and off we go again!

Brent Chivers
(Poor Brent had been stuck in NZ with the Earthquakes and had spent 24hrs travelling finally getting home around midnight on Saturday night - so you can imagine by Sunday morning - he was beyond tired!)

Sarah Chivers

Greg Paton

Greg Paton

Tony Bax

Pete Smith

Nicole Casey

Nicole Casey

Mick Casey

Frank checking out the section before taking off....


He makes it look easy.... it's not!

Dad  (the only one I got of him riding the entire day... and I'm sure there are riders that I didn't get pics of at all....)

Jade & Blake "hiding" in Frank's trailer...


Jade hiding in Frank's bag


*giggle*  I couldn't resist....  I had to wait for Frank to stop talking so that I could ask him to pose for a picture... and when you're standing around waiting for someone to stop talking - you notice the talking!

Oh, there he is!
(Mister Talky)

It was Frank's birthday on Sunday - and I couldn't NOT get a birthday mug-shot.... and we weren't 100% certain what was happening for the rest of the day - so I had to make sure I got it!

February - Slumber Party Roller Disco

Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco.....  so tha...