Tuesday night I picked up Xander from school when I picked up Jade (luckily they go to the same place - so it was just a case of trying to get 2 kids into the car instead of just one).... we headed around to Mom and Dad's place for a bit - we were hoping that getting Xander on Jade's bicycle may encourage her to ride some more.... but no.. that idea was a flop....
Xander is a little too cautious... so he wasn't overly impressed with the idea of riding without training wheels... so we ended up leaving there early and getting the kids back to our place...
I phoned Jaime and made sure it would be ok for Xander to have a bath and have dinner at our place as we weren't sure when Damian would be finished at work (and Jaime was in bed with a migraine - so she was happy enough to not have to worry about bathing and feeding Xander)

I'm sure bath time is always more fun when there's someone else in there to entertain you....
After they'd finished in the bath, I'd got dinner ready - so they got out and came out to eat, then had time to kill until Damian arrived... so they went through into the "baby's room" to play with toys.... little did I know that Xander is a clever little monkey and went into the cupboard and emptied the TWO big boxes of baby toys in the cupboard... ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!!! I thought that it was just from the one box - so I wasn't too worried about it ... until i went in there today.... I really should have taken a photo of it... the Nursery looked just as bad as it did before Mom and I did the big clean up last week!
I cleared it all away today - put the boxes back in the cupboard - because the mission for tomorrow is to build the change table (that we picked up today)... I should probably explain that.. I ordered the change table back at the end of July - but I was told that the wait on delivery would be between 6-8 weeks - I figured that was ok becuase I still had ages before puggle was due... so today, I still hadn't heard anything so I phoned the baby shop.... "oh, that came in AGES ago... well called you and didn't hear anything - so I think we've sold it....." so I'm standing there in disbelief.... "But I paid for it!?!?!??!!?!" "yeah, but you didn't collect it - so we weren't sure if you still wanted it....." ..... "But I paid for it!?!?!??!?!?!" (and it wasn't just a deposit - it was a full payment - figuring I was doing the right thing!)
Anyway, she said she'd call me back - and when she called they'd miraculously found it - so I'm not sure if i've got someone else's that was put on layby or something - or whether they truelly had mine put aside..... When I arrived at the shop I asked about nappy covers as we've still got the plan to use cloth nappies - so of course I was bombarded with "have you considered this, this this and this?!"... and I'm sure - if this was my first pregnancy and I didn't already have a million cloth nappies - I may have been persuaded to look into the $30 nappies... but I just don't see the point now - the cloth nappies we used with Jade were great... and they were white - so they went with everything.. and for when we wanted to go out - I just bought nappy covers that cost all of about $6 and had a few of them to rotate when needed.... But, I have a couple of friends who have used the Bambino nappies - so I may look into those for night nappies - or I may just use the disposables at night again - I'm not 100% decided on that.... (Sarah - Bec - Penny - Help!!!!)
Anyway, back to the rest of the week, we went around to Mom and Dad's on Wednesday afternoon for more bicycling... she wasn't OVERLY excited by the whole experience and got bored quickly again... I think once Jade and Xander are riding together it'll be more exciting... but while it's just Jade we may have a few problems... but we got vid of her going further this time...
On Friday afternoon, Jaime called just as I was going to leave to pick up Jade to see if I wanted to do anything that afternoon, so I picked up Jade and Xander and met up with Jaime down at the Marina Park... "oooooh Pirate Ship Park!!!!!" (I think all of the Play Parks around town have different names given by the kids)