Monday, 31 March 2008
Alphabet Baby....
She sung the entire alphabet, not skipping a single letter and then got to the end... "Now I sing my ABC, next time you should sing it too".....
Ok, the words are a little off... but she's not quite two and a half.... that's not a bad effort..... :)

Sunday, 30 March 2008
So not like her mother!!!
Jade on the other hand, found a baby carrier (one we were given but could never work - we ended up buying a Kapoochi)... and she put her baby in it... she came up to me (while we were still at home) and said "Mom, look at my baby backpack!".... she had the baby - upside down in the carrier and had it on like a backpack (with the baby dragging on the ground)...
But, the concept was there, so I showed her how to do it properly, we put the baby the right way up... and then "we go show GRAN!!!!"... so - we got in the car - and off we went.....
She did get bored with her baby soon, dropped her on the ground and went off to eat grapes that Grandpa gave her.... but she's got a real fascination with dolls and the whole "baby" concept - so I'm assuming this is just going to get more interesting as time goes on....

Greg's a rep boy....
Saturday, 29 March 2008
Renovation Update.....
Once John has finished, I'll get Terry back and get him to paint it all just a glossy white or something.... it's not a permanent feature to the house - once we can afford to do the verandah extension - then this will be ripped out and new stuff added... so we aren't too stressed about it...
but it's still nice to have something that isn't rotten... and that Jade can't climb through or fall through..... (Yay for a part of the house that isn't 40yrs old!)....
I like the timber decking... it's making me reconsider tiling the verandah when we do complete it, but given we're planning on enclosing the verandah - tiles make more sense....

Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Happy Anniversary to Us - 3 Years!!!

Sunday, 23 March 2008
Easter Hunt......
Saturday, 22 March 2008
Easter Eve....!!!
We figured the bucket would be good for jade to put the eggs into as she finds them... so I wanted to test and make sure they'd fit into the bucket... so I've got everything ready tonight... and here's the proof that it fits.. and the cute bucket....

Now, since Greg has got right into the whole NRL scene... we got him an NRL football egg.... figure he doesn't really want to do the whole easter egg hunt.... so this is the easier option... :)

Now we're just hoping to get photos tomorrow during the hunt....
Friday, 21 March 2008
Harbour Festival - Raft Race.....
But having fun is the aim of the game... and it looked like most people had fun out in the water.... (good day to be in the water!)

Thursday, 20 March 2008
Dorothy the Dinosaur's dance party.....
We decided to arrive early, knowing that the night was going to be packed... we got some seats - and put blankets down on the ground for the kids..... apparently this doesn't actually mean anything to any of the other indecent mothers who turned up late and pushed the blankets away and then sat down....

Xander and "Damian's" glow sword...
Captain Feathersword...
Henry the Octopus...
Waggs the Dog...
Jade attempting to smile for the camera...
Captain Feathersword and the Dance Party Singers...
Marcus, Jade and Xander dancing....
Xander & Damian
Jade dancing on my lap.....
We ended up resorting to all 3 kids dancing on people's laps so that they could see... cause more and more people just kept pushing infront of us - and standing infront of us (adults too) - some people just have no manners..... but the kids didn't really care at the end of the day.... Jade managed to do most of the dances on my lap... and she was happy with that.. and every now and then she'd sit on my chest.... (yes... apparently i'm a chair!)
Anyway, it's been a long day - and I need sleep... signing off....
February - Slumber Party Roller Disco
Friday 10th February PJ Party Time! Jade had arranged with her friend that they'd go in onesies to the disco..... so tha...

Saturday 19th November We headed into the city to attend the Ceremony between my cousin Jenna and her future husband.... It was a really lo...
Tuesday 18th January Now that Jade's in the "preppie" swimming classes, all of the girls appear to be wearing 1 piece togs......
Tuesday 8th July And because Rob and I LOVE travelling so much.... after I'd finished work on Tuesday - we got in the car and heade...