I think I'm getting used to my weekends starting on Saturdays again - as opposed to Fridays that they were for the last year or so after coming back from having Jade... and I get Mondays off now so that I can take Jade to her swimming lessons still... so I get a day to get over the weekend... Theoretically...
Unfortunately I think Jade is the one who needs Monday to get over the weekend because we just jam them so full of things that she is totally buggered by Monday morning....
Anyway, so today started at 6am - on the dot - this kid knows how to sleep in during the week - but forgets by Saturday morning - EVERY WEEK!
We got up - had breakfast - got dressed (had to look cute today because some of Mom and Dad's friends were going to be at their place and they had to show off Jade....)
So, to pass some time before going to Gran and Pa's we did some drawing.... so I thought I'd get a picture of this as it is a new obsession for Jade... she has to draw ALL of the time now... so the book and pencils are always close at hand....
So now Jade has to show off her new tricks... she can pull faces...


And that's all she's really mastered for now.... although while Ed and Jen were over, Jen asked Jade if she knew "surprised" and Jade looked a bit confused... and Jen held her hands up beside her face and had an open mouth ... so now "surprised" equals happy face with hands....
Grandpa is convinced she's going to be an actress when she grows up.....
When she got bored with drawing she spent some time climbing the cat toy, until she realised there was a book up there, then we had to sit and read.....

All in all, I had a good few hours at home on my own to do filing... Left Jade with Gran and Pa at about 11am - then went grocery shopping - then got home - had lunch - spent a few hours filing... got an hour or so sleep.... then went to pick up Jade.....
We're off to the beach tomorrow.....
(and Rob is currently nearly in Queanbeyan - then he's staying the night in Goulburn and then off to Sydney in the morning..... not sure if he's planning on staying tomorrow night or heading off in the afternoon.... I guess it all depends on if anything breaks up north...)