Family Pic from Rob's Birthday
Ok, so it's been over a week since my last post...
What's been happening around town?
Well, firstly Monday was Jade's 3rd swimming lesson without me in the pool - Sharon (the instructor) decided that we should try having me in the room so that Jade could see that I wasn't leaving her.... well - that wasn't working.... and when I tried to put jade into the water she grabbed on with everything she had available... which unfortunately meant that she gripped my upper arm with her teeth... (and I still have a bit of a bruise and two puncture wounds after a week)...
Jade wasn't settling in the class - so I told Sharon that I was probably better off not being in the room... so I left and she quietened down after about 10mins... So, it was our best lesson yet....
Monday was also Rob's 36th Birthday... So we had a BBQ at home with my parents, Rob's mom, my grandmother, my brother and his fiance.... so that was a nice evening....
Tuesday morning I got up - not feeling overly flash.... but just figured that I was dreading going back to work after having a nice three days off.... I got into work... and wasn't getting any better... was going downhill fast... was the start of a gastro attack... so I went home before infecting workmates (who hadn't arrived at work yet)... I came home and spent the entire day in bread eating only 1 slice of bread and 1 apple... which came up pretty much straight after - so I gave up eating for the rest of the day... and managed to sleep through most of it....
Wednesday - I was fine... still feeling a little drained of energy... but other than that - was much better than the day before... but now it was Rob's turn... (not that he stays in bed.... )
Thursday - Rob was fine - and his Mom now had the bug... so I was really starting to panic about Jade picking it up... but we got lucky..... Rob's mom was still sick on Friday... but Jade was in daycare both days - which was a good thing for her....
Thursday was a day off work for me, we had the 8 week checkup with the Dr to find out if we're good to go with planning another baby...
The Dr advised that there was an infection in the amniotic fluids which is what caused my body to terminate the pregnancy... any further along and the infection may have spread to my uteris causing more problems for down the track.... so I guess in a way - we're lucky that it ended as soon as it did.....
There are no concerns for future pregnancies - as this is just one of those things that happens ... and there's no reason for it to ever happen again... it's very random...
Anyway, so Friday night we went out for dinner because it was Rob's mom's last night in town..
Then Saturday morning Jade and I left at 9am to head to Rocky for my cousin (Jaime)'s son's 3rd birthday party.... so that was fun.. it was superhero theme - so jade went as "super Jade" with a "T" for Thomas on her chest.... (they dont' make costumes below a size 4 ... and nothing really out there for girls.... except for fairy outfits.... so we had to create something.. and figured this way - if we had a boy next - he'd be able to wear it if he ever needed too.. (gotta be practical)....
Rob's mom flew home on Saturday arvo at 4:30 - but we said good bye when we left at 9am....
Yesterday we went shopping at Bunnings to get Weldmesh so cover the gate area in our fence so that Jade can play around in there until we get the gate organised (one thing at a time)....
So, all in all, things are going ahead here... and the world is a happy place.... no idea when we're going to start baby making again... but we'll work that out when we get there.... :)